Many of the questions were bland and obvious; just trying to make sure I actually read the story and am familiar with the characters. I guess that is to be expected. Some of the questions were more thought provoking, and a few of the questions I couldn't answer without some knowledge of the history. But I managed to think up some sort of answer, anyway.
I think tomorrow's assignment of writing a summary of my thoughts about "The Epic of Gilgamesh" will be more enjoyable. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about. The most striking thing to me in the story is how universal and unchanged human nature really is. Of course, this is hardly an original observation. So I might try to take the chance to write an essay about something else.
Next up, Beowulf.
Meanwhile, I was listening to part of a radio broadcast about students graduating from college, overwhelmed with debt. It made me think that even if I did take out loans and go to school, would it really be worth it? I think that right now, with the way the economy is, it would be financially irresponsible for me to spend that money on a degree in philosophy. There are perhaps other degrees in other fields that would be profitable, perhaps. But it just doesn't make sense for me. It made me sad to hear about these educated, qualified graduates (many with masters degrees and Ph.D.'s) who couldn't find work in their field, couldn't find work that paid well enough, or couldn't find work period.
NPR's "Talk of the Nation" exclusive story:
How Has Student Debt Shaped Your Life? (click the link to listen to the broadcast, or read a summary)
On the lighter side of things, a friend of mine, Jen, shared a hilarious blog with me that perfectly described my own discipline-lacking life. It's from one of my favorite blogs.
Hyperbole and a Half:
This is Why I Will Never Be An Adult

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